14 Nov

Aloha and welcome to new beginnings at Iseri Wellness. For existing clients you are probably wondering why the GRAND OPENING? Well, we have made some exciting new changes for one. And being that when we first opened, we never had a grand opening we thought, WHY NOT? We also wanted to introduce ourselves to new friends, let them know we are here, and that we have a lot to offer. When we decided to make these changes, we decided to start with the environment. As you know, your environment plays a major role in not only your mental well being but your physical one as well. Using Feng Shui, we turned each treatment room into a theme room. We started with the small room which is now known as the “Zen” room. It is painted lavender, which is the color known to repair the heart. We added an antique Japanese cabinet, water fountain, and changed the layout. Next we made the middle room the Jade room. This room is painted jade green, which is encourages practicality, wisdom, mental peace and tolerance of others. It is also known to increase a person’s capacity for giving and receiving love. The last room is painted rose to generate healing. It is known as the elements room and incorporates the elements of fire, water, metal, wood, stone and air. The waiting area has also been redesigned and now has new art, waiting room chairs and furniture. In keeping with one of the concepts of wellness to “have a welcoming space for you and others to feel comfortable.
We also have brought on Brian S. Tow, massage therapist. Brian shares the same concept for Iseri Wellness as we do, and he is just as dedicated to your overall health and wellness goals as we are. Finally, we have finally begun to get involved with local events and are hosting monthly meetups to help educate the public on our services as well as discuss your wellness goals. We will be sending out mailers and invitations for events and will also be distributing educational materials and newsletters around town. If you want to join our efforts and have a place to set out our materials, please let is know. Thank you all for your loyalty and support through this transition, and for you new friends, Aloha & Welcome to the new Iseri Wellness!

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