We are looking for a few good men and women

16 Mar

ist2_4154279-rejoice-alwaysWell is seems the new year really sparked some exciting new changes for all of us.   Each of us cleansed ourselves wether it was by cleaning out our spaces, to our purses,  our minds, to cleaning out the cancers brought on by negative relationships or influences.  We have been making room for the changes about to happen as we have all collectively been putting out the energy to draw the friends, clients and coworkers we want and need in our lives that whom we can form beneficial and lasting relationships with.   That isn’t easy to do in the economy.  People are scared, people are grumpy and people are in survival mode.


Nevertheless, like speaks to like and I am happy to say that Friends have been flooding in.  And even  in the last few weeks we have welcomed over35 new clients!  As far as the co-worker part, that has seemed to be a bigger challenge then we expected.  But as usual, the universe has a way of sorting these things out.

lotusoptWe have been networking with many of the practitioners to find those who are like minded and who share our vision.  I figured that finding people who were dedicated to wellness, who wanted to start something that benefits their clients in ways they never could before, would be easy to do.   We have been simply looking for people to join our family, help us create something together, be patient,  leave competition at the door and have faith that they will be rewarded by the Universe for their unselfish effort.  In return, we would offer support, love, a purpose, benefits to your clients, referrals, a network of professionals, business and marketing support, support of your practice, something to take pride in, a way to help people in more ways, stability, fun, and a learning experience.  Sounds perfect right?  If this sounds appealing to you, then by all means, call us now!  We need you!rightyinyang

But  we have had trouble.  With every Ying there is a Yang, so of course with every good intention, someone is bound to come along with bad ones.  We have found ourselves having to differentiate from the people who are serious from those who just see this as a source for bettering themselves or for free support and referrals to better their own practices.  Unfortunately, we weren’t prepared for it, and it set us back a bit at first.  But now that we feel more prepared and know the signs, I feel confident we can move forward with no fear.   Because, This can’t work without a collaborative effort from serious people with loving, unselfish and supportive agendas.   I am sure not saying you shouldn’t  benefit from what we have to offer, I am simply saying that the benefit is building it together and it comes FROM helping eachother as a team. I am simply saying that when the priority is your clients and the movement, the rest will follow.  And as we learn from the wrong people, we are steps closer to the right.  When one door closes another opens.  In fact, as we parted ways with one friend with love, we welcomed 2 more who were exactly what we needed!

So, it never stops amazing me at how the universe works.  We are all seeing big improvements in our clinics, with our patients health and mental states, and of course in our own lives.  I can’t wait to see what happend next!!


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